Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

Search Results for: diana wynne jones

Review: Howl’s Moving Castle – Diana Wynne Jones

On a normal day selling hats in the shop, hatmaker Sophie has the bad luck to be cursed by a witch to look and feel like an old crone. Previously having resigned herself to her dull fate, she now promptly leaves the shop and knocks on the door of the wizard and notorious womanizer Howl to get her curse lifted. She comes to an agreement with the fire demon living in Howl’s hearth instead.

Howl's Moving Castle

Review: Howl’s Moving Castle – Hayao Miyazaki

Young hatmaker Sophie is cursed by an evil witch, and, being unable to speak of her curse because of the magic, finds work in the home of a mysterious wizard in the hope that he will someday be able to lift the spell.