Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

Some of My Favourite Media:

Robin Hobb's The Realm of the Elderlings series
Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials
Terry Pratchett's The Discworld Series
Patrick Rothfuss's The Kingkiller Chronicles
Becky Chambers's The Wayfarer Series
S. A. Chakraborty's The Daevabad Trilogy
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Hi, I’m Robin! I’m a twenty-something year old who loves all things bookish. As a child, I liked nothing more than to disappear completely into the magical worlds of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and so many others. While the bulk of my reading right now tends to be in genres other than speculative fiction (mostly contemporary fiction), I still regularly love to dive into a good Fantasy or Science-fiction book to take a break from real life. 


The one thing that really makes or breaks a story for me are the characters. I can accept pretty much anything from a book as long as the characters are well written. Because of this, I tend not to be a very picky reader: I can appreciate almost all genres (except horror/thriller), and I am rarely put off by flaws that others might consider quite major (like plotholes). However, if I can’t connect to any of the characters in a story, I will have a hard time engaging with it no matter how well-crafted it is. 


While books are definitely my main area of expertise, I do also love to play board games, listen to audio dramas, and watch a movie or tv-show whenever I can find the time. I am not a gamer, so you probably won’t be seeing many video game reviews from my end. Luckily we have several other curators who can fill in that gap!


I think that’s everything you need to know about me for now. I hope my reviews will help you find something you enjoy, because life’s too short to read bad books!

Diverse representation


Fantasy blended with real-world mythology




Natural settings/elements


Strong (realistic) female characters


Beautiful book covers


Stories with little or no plot that focus only on the characters

Graphic violence


When scars/disfiguration are used to mark a character as evil


Depressing characters with no redeeming qualities


Endless and needlessly detailed fight/battle scenes


When a conflict between two characters is caused by an obvious misunderstanding that would be solved by a simple conversation


Dust jackets

Reviewing common Fantasy/Sci-fi tropes

  • The Chosen One – ★★★ – Overdone, I know. And yet, even now there remains something alluring about the idea of being chosen for greatness, so I cannot bring myself to really hate this trope.


  • The Mentor Character – ★★★★★ – It’s hard not to love someone whose sole purpose is to guide the main character to fulfil their true potential. If only real life could be that simple and comforting.


  • The Evil Overlord – ★★ – I prefer my villains to have a bit more depth and ambivalence.


  • The Quest – ★★★★ – A trope so classic it goes all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia, and yet a good quest still never fails to satisfy.


  • Enemies to lovers – ★★★ – While you can often see the ending coming from a mile off, it is still far better than the kind of instalove where two people can’t bear to be separated after knowing each other for like five minutes.


  • Damsels in distress – ★ – I don’t think it is necessary to elaborate on this one any further.


  • Sentient spaceships – ★★★★ – Yes, please! What is even the point of a spaceship if it doesn’t talk?


  • Found family – ★★★★★ – Heart-warming, every time.

Recent Contributions

Review: Prophet Song – Paul Lynch

From the cover:
On a dark, wet evening in Dublin, scientist and mother-of-four Eilish Stack answers her front door to find the GNSB on her step. Two officers from Ireland’s newly formed secret police are here to interrogate her husband, a trade unionist.

Ireland is falling apart. The country is in the grip of a government turning towards tyranny and Eilish can only watch helplessly as the world she knew disappears. When first her husband and then her eldest son vanish, Eilish finds herself caught within the nightmare logic of a collapsing society.

How far will she go to save her family? And what – or who – is she willing to leave behind?

Review: The End We Start From – Mahalia Belo

When an environmental crisis sees London submerged by flood waters, a young family is torn apart in the chaos. As a woman and her newborn try and find their way home, the profound novelty of motherhood is brought into sharp focus in this intimate and poetic portrayal of family survival. (Rotten Tomatoes movie description)

Review: The Beast – Bertrand Bonello

In a near future where artificial intelligence reigns supreme, human emotions have become a threat. To get rid of them, Gabrielle must purify her DNA by going back into her past lives. There, she reunites with Louis, her great love. But she’s overcome by fear, a premonition that catastrophe is on the way. (Official cinema blurb)

Review: The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi – S.A. Chakraborty

Part one in the Amina al-Sirafi Trilogy – Retired pirate captain Amina al-Sirafi is called back to the sea when she is recruited to investigate the kidnapping of the daughter of a wealthy merchant from the city of Aden. While she struggles to leave behind her daughter, she gathers her old crew around her and sets out to find the cruel Frank mercenary Falco Palamenestra. The quest takes a dark turn, however, when rumours reach Amina that the Frank is an occult sorcerer with dangerous magic…