Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

This playlist contains SPOILERS for the Mass Effect series. Proceed at your own risk.

Happy N7 Day! For today, I wanted to share a playlist I made for Commander Shepard.

I’m always a huge Goody Two-shoes in video games. It should come as no surprise, then, that my Shepard was a Paragon. I also have only ever played as FemShep, because Jennifer Hale plays the role so delightfully that I’ve never even considered playing another gender. This playlist is mostly based off of my own experience of the game, so I’ve made sure to mention why I’m including each song.


Find the whole playlist on Spotify:

Check out our other posts about Mass Effect here:

1 - Raise Hell - Dorothy

I like to imagine that Shepard really enjoys raising a little hell. Also this is just a banger to start with.

2 - One Woman Army - Porcelain Black

She’s a Girlboss, ladies and gentlemen!! Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss, u know how it is.


God, that was a joke of course, but Miranda definitely has girlboss energy. 

3 - Bulletproof - La Roux

Don’t ask me to come up with deep reasons for every song. Shepard is a soldier and they fight with bullets and stuff.

4 - Die Young - Sheppard

Haha, get it? The performer’s called Sheppard, the song is called “Die Young”, and I’m gonna go cry in a corner now 🙂

5 - Unbreakable (feat. Clarence Coffee Jr.) - BUNT., Clarence Coffee Jr.

Shepard’s been through a lot, including some stuff they really shouldn’t have survived.

6 - A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay

Space! Stars! Science Fiction!!

7 - Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

Waking up after being put back together by Cerberus must have been quite the… experience. I find that Radioactive captures the feeling well.

8 - Believer - Imagine Dragons

Everyone’s always trying to tell Shepard what to do. Both the Citadel Council and Cerberus are a constant thorn in her side. Things go best when Shep does what they themselves think is best.

9 - COPYCAT - Billie Eilish

The Citadel DLC is by far my favourite part of the Mass Effect series. This song is a shoutout to Shepard’s clone. Don’t hate me cuz u ain’t me.

10 - Children of the Stars - The Orion Experience

Another ~Space Song.

11 - Space Girl - Frances Forever

Even though I’ve never romanced any of the ladies in the Mass Effect series, I’ve always been convinced Shepard was pretty gay. I actually wanted to romance Sam Trainor in Mass Effect 3, but after googling read somewhere that she couldn’t be romanced, so I didn’t even try. Little did I realise back then that that post was written by a man and Trainor, like, specifically was a lesbian. One day I will romance her. One dayyy.

12 - Solitaire - MARINA

I played the Mass Effect series in the span of perhaps a month. I was also listening to MARINA’s Froot on repeat at the time. The intro to Solitaire reminds me so much of the menu screen for Mass Effect 3. It’s also a sad song and Mass Effect made me very sad.

I hope you enjoy this playlist! As I mentioned, it’s very much based on my own experience playing the game. Would you replace any of the songs to better fit your Shepard? Be sure to let us know on any of our social media accounts! I’d love to hear what you would choose.

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