Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

Welcome to the Escape Velocity Collection!

We are an opinionated group of friends reviewing all sorts of fantasy and science fiction media. Don’t forget to get to know the curators and visit our curated Collection, where we discuss the stories that never cease to transport us to another world.

Will you escape with us?


Reviewed by:

A boy called Mahito and his father move to the countryside while the Pacific war rages in Japan. Mahito’s mother has died in a hospital fire during the war, and his father is marrying his late wife’s sister, Natsuko. Mahito struggles to find his place in the peaceful countryside until a mysterious heron leads him to explore a mysterious tower.

Despite doing pretty much zero marketing for this film, everyone who knows and loves Studio Ghibli movies knew that The Boy and the Heron was coming out at the end of last year. It was supposedly Hayao Miyazaki’s last ever movie for the studio (though if I’m to believe Wikipedia, he’s already planning his next movie), and his first one since 2013, so I was very excited. Small confession: I’ve not actually seen all of the “big” Studio Ghibli movies. But the ones I have seen I did love.

I think a big part of the appeal of Ghibli movies is the vibe. It’s always very idyllic; very cottagecore. I found myself suddenly very excited for spring to come again. I also wistfully reflected on how my fear of tics will probably forever keep me from walking into tall grass without panicking. There’s nothing like a Ghibli movie to make you really appreciate the beauty of the world around you.

I went to see the movie on January 1st, with my dad. Did we both almost fall asleep during the first half of the movie? Yes, we did. Though I wouldn’t say that’s a fault of the movie, but of the fact that we were both tired after New Year’s Eve. We fared much better in the second half, after having had some caffeine.

Story-wise, the movie starts quite slow, but a LOT happens in the second half of the movie. Would I be able to explain the plot? Nope. Did I enjoy it? Yes I did. I think it’s pretty normal to not fully understand the plot of a Ghibli movie. It’s a lot like literature in that sense. I know there are lots of themes being explored, but I’m not the type of viewer who digs deep enough to understand them all. One thing I will say is that I’m not sure why the story is called “The Boy and the Heron” when the Heron really doesn’t seem to be all that relevant to the plot.

Overall, I really enjoyed the movie. It was touching, funny and beautiful visually. It has all the absurdist fantasy elements that I love in a Ghibli movie.

Reviewed by:

Part 2 in the Murderbot Diaries - Following immediately after the end of All Systems Red, Artificial Condition follows our GenZ Murderbot as they stowaway on an interstellar transport to a far-flung mining station in an attempt to figure out more about the incident in which they went rogue, which caused them to hack their governor module and become a free agent in the first place.

Listened to the audiobook with Kevin R. Free – as before, all right, but I was not too impressed with his performance.

I enjoyed All Systems Red, so when it finished, I immediately pressed play on the next story.

[ ‘Wait!’ you may cry, ‘then why are you only reviewing this story literally two years later?’ The honest answer is, I have had this review on the shelf for two years but I was waiting for Robin’s reviews, because she likes Murderbot a lot more than me. We were talking Murderbot today and it turns out she binge-listened to the whole series and is now unable to review any of them because she can’t tell them apart. Consider that a glowing review on her part. ] 

To be honest, I thought Artificial Condition was a bit less interesting than the first instalment – mostly because we have already had the chance to get to know our main character, and I didn’t connect with them as much as I am finding out many people online did.

As with All Systems Red, I think what sets this story apart from other sci-fi is the way Wells describes the (mostly non-human) characters – the various bots, constructs, and automated programs – and their interactions. And Artificial Condition does indeed introduce or delve deeper into a variety of such robots. Alongside the Murderbot, the reader spends most of their time submerged in a sort of shadow world of feeds, programs and networks with the humans blissfully unaware of what is going on. Unfortunately, while this idea is conceptually interesting, Wells tends to handwave her way through any explanations of her systems without establishing clear rules, so that it feels like, for example, the Murderbot’s hacking capacity always functions exactly as the plot demands. Not that this story has a lot of plot – even more than with All Systems Red, Artificial Condition is carried by the personality of the Murderbot and the other machines it encounters.

And I think that was the main take away for me: I feel the Murderbot Diaries are a series of easy to read, none too deep sci-fi carried by the character of a (for many) relatable robot-human hybrid with social anxiety. If you love the Murderbot, read on; if you don’t… well – this may not be for you.

One final interesting note is that Wells seems to continue the GenZ-theme by slipping in the occasional woke reference – which may feel a bit forced, though I really appreciate that she embraces the enormous diversity in human culture that is bound to exist once we’ve become a multiplanetary species.

Time to get to know our Curators better! How? By asking them the questions that really matter! This time with another special New Year edition!

2024 is upon us, and we are once again trying to be better versions of ourselves! Let’s set goals and resolutions and reduce the piles of media that are still waiting to be consumed! That’s how it works, right?

In the spirit of the New Year, we asked ourselves:

What are your 2024 to read/watch/listen/play resolutions?

1. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf - BioWare

There is a trailer with a reveal date. Not a release date, per se, but still… it’s more than I had last year! A fool’s hope still counts for something. At least Gandalf thinks so, and that’s enough for me.

2. The Quest of the Ringbearer - Games Workshop

If my resolutions for 2022 taught me something, it’s much too risky to let your success depend on things that are out of your control. That’s why I choose to have two of such resolutions this year! If I fail this one, I’ll just blame Peter.

I have thought up my own ‘fantasy fellowship’, including an old Bilbo & Thorin, Éowyn & Faramir and Glorfindel and created a line up drawing to channel my excitement to see them in action. I’m somewhat afraid Peter will regret inviting me, because there is a reasonable chance that I’ll bother him with fanfiction of my fellowship when we’ve started playing in the beautiful scenery pieces he’s currently building.

3.Pick up writing and worldbuilding again

There’s a whole list of books I could put here, but I’m inspired by the creative resolutions of my fellow curators. In fact, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while, but didn’t get around to. Writing has always been very important for me, but due to some big changes in my life it didn’t get my attention the last few months. I’m okay with this, but now I miss it…

To make it easy for myself, I’m planning on starting with a few (very short) stories that revolve around specific worldbuilding tidbits. This will be more ambience scenes than narratives with plot, I believe, so nice and manageable? If I play my cards well, I might even combine it with drawing more. How’s that for a New Year’s resolution!



1.Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree

From Peter’s description it sounds like a wild ride, and after just finishing He Who Drowned the World, I have to say I’m ready for something a little lighter. I’m hoping it will be as fun as I’m imagining.

2. Roam - Ryan Laukat

I got this game as a Sinterklaas present and to my shame I haven’t even gotten around to reading the rules yet. But I’m sure that once I do, it will be the perfect excuse for a cozy board game night.

3. Art challenge with Lotte

Lotte and I have just decided to do an art challenge to inspire each other to draw more, but we haven’t decided on the ‘rules’ yet. So if you have any ideas, let us know!

1. Learn to paint with an airbrush

As always, I have too little time to spend on hobbies, and as usual, that means I try to compensate by spending money instead. This year, my totally unnecessary purchase was… an airbrush!

I really don’t need it and I’m not sure why I spent the money on buying a thing that I need time (that I don’t have…) to get comfortable with, but I am hereby committing to actually trying to get used to it over the next year.

Who knows, I might actually be able to speed up my painting process (and finally put a dent in that backlog of unpainted plastic and resin).

2. Read a Warhammer Novel

Warhammer and Warhammer 40K have a lot of lore. Most of it is absolute trash, and that’s fine for a wargame: basically everything is just rule of cool and over the top, and that is expressed in absolutely ridiculous and cool minis on the tabletop.

Games Workshop (or more accurately, their proprietary publisher Black Library) sells tonnes of Warhammer novels, and so far I’ve mostly laughed at them. But I’ve been hearing from a couple of different people that some of them really aren’t that bad. So perhaps it is time – after playing with the minis for over two decades – that I finally give one of the books a go. Probably a Dan Abnett, I hear he’s decent.

3. Finish writing a story for once

I’m not nearly as serious a writer as Jop or Key are, but I have counted writing as one of my hobbies basically since I could write.

I’ve never been any good, and I’ve never really felt the drive to finish anything, seeing as I’ve really never felt like any of what I write is going anywhere. I see myself als a hobby and writing butterfly beyond redemption.

I think I may have only finished a story once, which is slightly shameful. So perhaps I should resolve to finish another one, and throw it out there, so that I’ll feel just that bit more encouragement to actually complete an arc.



1.Dragond Age: Dreadwolf - BioWare

Dragon Age 4 has finally been announced, and I am READY, baby! Dragon Age is possibly my all-time favourite franchise and I can’t wait for the next instalment. I’m also desperately hoping it won’t end up like Mass Effect: Andromeda.

2. Get back to doing art, specifically fantasy-themed

I barely drew anything last year, despite my resolution to do more fanart. This year, I really want to get back to doing art. One of the only pieces I drew last year was of a dragon sitting on a lantern in the rain, because I’d seen that exact scene from my window. Or rather, I saw a seagull sitting on a lantern in the rain and thought: “Wouldn’t it be rad as hell if a dragon sat on a little lantern?”. I love that piece SO SO much, but I haven’t even uploaded it because I just haven’t been thinking about art or my art Instagram. I had the dragon printed and have it framed on the wall, and I’d love to be able to put more stuff I’ve drawn myself on the walls around my apartment.

3. Take some good photos of my Howl’s Moving Castle Sophie cosplay

I made this cosplay for Elfia Haarzuilens this year, but it rained the entire day so I never really found the right moment to take some pictures. I don’t go to nearly as many conventions as I would like to, but I plan to wear the costume again at Elfia next year. After all, no one saw it last year because I wore a coat over it the entire day.

Happy New Year, folks! 

Check out the reviews of related media here:

Reviewed by:

Burrow’s End follows a small family of stoats who are driven out of their burrow by a mysterious storm. As they fight to find a new home, they soon realise that the real world is threatening in ways they could never have imagined. The season is DM’ed by Aabria Iyengar, and stars Brennan Lee Mulligan as single mom Tula, with her children Jaysohn, a hyperactive karate kid (played by Siobhan Thompson), and Lila, a clever know-it-all (played by Isabella Roland). Tula’s sister Viola (played by Rashawn Scott) is the enigmatic wife of cult leader Thorn (played by Jasper William Cartwright). Tula and Viola’s mother is a grizzled old stoat named Ava (played by Erika Ishii).

I feel like I say this for every Dimension 20 campaign I watch, but man, I think this is my new favourite campaign of the show. D20 just keeps getting better. From the stunning set design by Rick Perry and his team to the storytelling by the amazing Aabria Iyengar, everything about Burrow’s End just works. The premise is cute: a family of stoats having to flee their home. However, they soon discover that the world is scarier than they thought. The characters are varied in both personality and age, with Erika Ishii playing an elderly stoat, contrasted by Siobhan Thompson and Isabella Roland as excitable 8-year-olds. They’re all equally unhinged and I loved it.

The family dynamic in particular is what makes the season so good. It can be hard to start a story like this, where the characters have a long-established history. Often in D&D, the characters have just met and have the chance to get to know each other throughout the campaign. In Burrow’s End, we follow a family, with a pre-existing dynamic. Even though I know that the cast is amazing at improv, it still surprised me just how well they managed to set this dynamic up. The characters genuinely felt like a family.

Even though the season was incredibly funny, it was also surprisingly deep and scary. Aabria really has a way of setting up a story that is simultaneously hilarious and somehow deeply unsettling, and I love that. The stakes felt real, and the setting pulls from real history in a way that makes it easy for the players and the viewer to understand what was happening in a way that the characters wouldn’t fully grasp. This also made it incredibly fun to watch the players desperately try not to metagame when they put story threads together that their characters wouldn’t be able to yet.

With only ten episodes, Burrow’s End was quite short. Still, this meant that the pacing stayed fast. I do think the show may have benefited from a longer run. It would have given Aabria and the cast the time to work out some of the storylines that didn’t get tied up quite as nicely as one might have liked. Also, I would have just enjoyed watching more episodes of this show.

We survived another one! Another year done, with highs and lows for everyone.

Our curators look back at their 2023 in speculative fiction, by evaluating their resolutions for the year and highlighting their favourite media/reviews of the past twelve months.

How successful were you in fulfilling your 2023 resolutions? And, when it comes to speculative fiction, what were your favourites, disappointments and surprises this year?

2023 resolutions

I’ve been on a slow upward trajectory this year, and I’ve read more than I have in a while. And I actually managed to hold up my resolutions!

I read three novels in The Wheel of Time – and to be honest, that might have been three too many. It is not that bad, but it is just so… middle of the road. There is so much out there that I’d rather read! I guess you could say one of my resolutions for 2024 is that I will not be persuaded to spend more time on The Wheel of Time.

And I did actually paint a few miniatures this year! Not nearly as many as I used to, but I’m really glad that I climbed over the painting barrier in my head and I managed to work painting back into my routine. I’ve mostly been adding to my Rohan army, but I really need to start painting heroes for that Quest of the Ringbearer-campaign that is really going to start some time soon, I promise! I suppose the next challenge would be to actually paint more miniatures than I buy (or print….) next year.

I didn’t actually play as much tabletop roleplaying games as I intended, but we did finally finish Seed of Mars after 7 years and that is probably the most satisfying TTRPG-experience I have ever had, with all the storylines coming together and the excitement running really high! I’ve actually already been asked to re-start the whole campaign with a new group, so of course I agreed. I’ve actually really enjoyed upping my game with the visuals – redesigning the character sheets, drawing the objects and vehicles… though now I need to make sure that I don’t put the bar too high.


I’ve read a couple of books I really liked this year – such as the gripping dark He Who Drowned the World and the unexpected Odyssey of Metro 2033, but for my favourite book we’re going to have to go all the way back to Joe Abercrombie’s The Heroes. I really love his style, I really love his interesting narrative choices, I really love that it’s both a great standalone and a great tie in, and I really couldn’t find anything to criticise. I think it is a must read if you are even casually interested in the dark underbelly of traditional fantasy.

Biggest Surprise

I’ve come across a couple of surprises, too, this year: I didn’t expect to enjoy the Dungeons & Dragons movie nearly as much as I did, for example. But the one that stands out for me is Legends & Lattes, which I finished recently – reviews are coming shortly, but I’m hoping the other curators will hop on the bandwagon before I publish mine. I’ve been outspoken about disliking the fantasy-as-a-setting trend before, and the whole thing screamed ‘not for me’. But I saw it was on the Hugo shortlist, which surprised me a little, and once I realised it was only 8 hours long, I gave it a whirl. And it was actually really good! Unapologetic, fun, light, and short enough never to lose momentum. A real pity it didn’t actually take home the Hugo – I liked it a lot better than Nettle & Bone (review also upcoming), which won the award this year.

Biggest Disappointment

I’m probably not allowed to cite the Dutch general elections this November as my biggest disappointment this year (though some party platforms did read like a fantasy book…). I actually considered going for The Priory of the Orange Tree for my disappointment of the years, not because it was bad – it was actually still pretty good – but because for some reason I expected it to be exalted and, well, it wasn’t. That didn’t feel fair though, so I’m going to go with The Wheel of Time instead. That, too, wasn’t that bad, but it was just… uninteresting? So many people swear by it, but I really couldn’t get into it. Life is too short to read the Wheel of Time.

2023 resolutions

This year flew by for me. I don’t feel like I got a lot done, but that’s probably because I’ve started figure skating in winter. A lot. And then when the season ended and my rink closed, summer just felt like a big vacation, so I didn’t get around to doing all of the stuff I vowed to do. But I still managed to do okay at my resolutions!

I don’t remember exactly when I started the initial Farseertrilogy, but I know it was a LONG time ago. I’ve been avoiding finishing the series because I really love it. For those who don’t know: this series consists of 16 (!) books. This year, I finally managed to read the first two books of the Fitz and the Fooltrilogy, the final trilogy of the series. Despite owning gorgeous hard cover versions of the last two books, I ended up listening to the audiobook for the final novel. I’m currently still listening to it!

My second resolution is a bit of a rough one. I barely drew anything this year, let alone fanart. I just haven’t felt very motivated to draw, I suppose. I intend to pick it back up next year, though!

On a more positive note, I’m happy to report that I’ve finally finished Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey! Or at least, I’ve finished the main quest. The spoiler I saw that made me vow to actually finish the game this year wasn’t actually part of the main quest, apparently? So I suppose there’s still a bunch of content still to see. However, I’m happy with the time I put into the game and I don’t intend to pick it up again anytime soon.


I would say my favourite thing I picked up this year is the latest season of Dropout’s Dimension 20: Burrow’s End. It was the perfect mix of funny, spooky and heartfelt. The campaign was mostly roleplay with little combat, which was perfect for me as I’m not a huge fan of combat in D&D live play shows. Also the show focuses on a family of stoats, which was cute as heck.

Biggest Surprise

I suppose my biggest surprise of this year was getting an advanced reader copy of a pretty serious sci-fi book; Han Song’s Hospital. I haven’t done much research yet into the world of ARC’s, and I’m quite content just uploading reviews of things way after their popularity has died down. Still, it was fun to be offered the opportunity to read a book before it comes out, especially because it’s the type of book I likely wouldn’t have picked up myself.

Biggest Disappointment

I’m not sure exactly why I had high hopes for A Discovery of Witches, but it was an absolute slog to get through and I’m glad it’s over. Genuinely I cannot believe how many people love this book.

2023 resolutions

My year turned out to be quite hectic so I definitely did not do as much reading as I’d hoped. However, looking at my resolutions from last year it doesn’t look too bad: I did manage to read Babel, and Jop and I also finished the final season of The Walking Dead. I’m still only halfway on the first of the miniatures that I wanted to paint though, so unless I have a very productive Christmas break, that will have to wait until next year!


I really enjoyed Babel, which I read at the beginning of the year, but if I’m honest with myself there was another book that I enjoyed even more. Although it isn’t speculative fiction I will still mention it here, because it is also by R. F. Kuang. I found myself jumping on the bandwagon of this year’s big literary sensation: Yellowface. If you’re looking for something that’s a little different and that has a fast-paced, darkly funny discussion of racism and the book industry, give it a go!

Biggest Surprise

Here, I have to say Willow. While I still would not describe this show as ‘good’, I look back on it with more fondness than I ever thought possible. I undeniably had a good time with it and if it hadn’t been cancelled, I would even be looking forward to the next season.

Biggest Disappointment

Looking back, I have to conclude that my year was pretty average. There weren’t any major disappointments, but also not that many things have really stayed with me. So I guess in a way that in itself is my biggest disappointment. I’m hoping that next year will feature some more highlights!

2023 resolutions

Oh yeah, those resolutions I made up last year. I certainly remember those…

But honestly, I didn’t do as bad as I thought. I did read I, Robot and I would have certainly played Dragon Age: Dreadwolf if the universe had blessed my existence with its release this year. For the success rate of my new resolutions it would probably be safe to not include a game that hasn’t got a confirmed release date? Still, I’ll put Dragon Age: Dreadwolf in my “to consume” resolutions till it’s released, cancelled or until any unhoped-for accident happens that will prevent me from putting together a list of resolutions.

My third resolution was to read Harrow the Ninth. This was an error (in my defence, the titles of these books are very much alike). I actually meant to read Gideon the Ninth. I am in possession of the book, but I have yet to read it. Most of my reading time this year went into rereading the Liveship Traders by Robin Hobb, a decision I don’t regret.

So, one out of three… Better luck next year?


My favourite of this year was in some sense also a big surprise (though perhaps not the biggest): Baldur’s Gate 3. Ironically, before its release I didn’t really expect to play it. I’ve tried to pick up Baldur’s Gate 2 multiple times in the past, but I never really liked it. As such, its successor wasn’t on my radar. Instead, I kept dreaming of the next Dragon Age.

However, I let myself be influenced by social media and requested Baldur’s Gate 3 for my birthday in early October. It was a month of self-rediscovery for me, with a decent amount of free time, and in retrospect the perfect moment to sink all my time into a new game. It was perfect! It’s been a while since I have played a good fantasy TTRPG and Baldur’s Gate 3 scratched an itch that desperately needed scratching. Also, I’ve always found that a process of self-reflection really benefits from intense escapism. My tiefling cleric of Mielikki and her ragtag band of adventurers were really great in that regard.

Biggest Surprise

I’d nominate I, Robot for the biggest surprise category this year. This is not a sign of distrust of Peter as my science fiction mentor, but rather a personal bias when it comes to science fiction media. on the whole. In general, I just don’t expect to like it as much as I love fantasy. I very much enjoyed I, Robot though!

Biggest Disappointment

There weren’t really any disappointments for me this year, I believe. At least not when it comes to speculative fiction. Except for the aforementioned complete lack of Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, of course… Somehow, I keep setting myself up for disappointment with that one. Year after year. Oh well…

That’s us for today, folks! Happy holidays!

Check out some of the reviews of related media here:

Reviewed by:

In ‘Enchanted’, former storybook princess Giselle leaves her fairy tale life behind to find a happily ever after in the real world with a single dad and his pre-teen daughter. In this movie, Giselle has a baby of her own and a now gloomy teenage stepdaughter. To try and escape an existence in a rut, Giselle makes her family move to a small suburban village. Furthermore, she uses a magic wand to wish a fairy tale life for her family. Alas, as often tends to happen with wishes, things don’t work out as she intends…

I was looking forward to Disenchanted for years! When it finally released I couldn’t help but feel every part of the movie was strained. The music, although written by Alan Menken, sounded like a wet copy of the first movie. The storylines for all the main characters felt very forced and mainly written to give the Big Stars enough screentime. Overall, I was disenchanted by Disenchanted.

When it comes to Disney sequels, it’s usually safe to not expect a masterpiece. More often than not, they lack the quality and originality that made their predecessors shine. This is certainly true for Disenchanted, the sequel to Enchanted.

I always liked Enchanted. It has a fun and charming premise and **the amazing Amy Adams is perfect for the role of naive fairy tale princess thrown into the real world. She sold the premise.

In theory, the premise of Disenchanted a princess wishing for some of the magic from her former life – could work too. And, with almost the whole cast reprising their former roles, it would seem that all the required puzzle pieces for success are still there. However, I found the whole movie to be quite forgettable…

I’m afraid that’s all I have. For someone who’s often able to recount most story beats and details from media she has consumed, this is quite telling though. From Disenchanted I remember practically nothing, except that Idina Menzel – whom I still love – at one point sings an awkward song centred around the words “love power”. So, if you enjoy Idina Menzel’s singing, this movie has at least one think to look forward to?

Review: The Boy and the Heron – Hayao Miyazaki

A boy called Mahito and his father move to the countryside while the Pacific war rages in Japan. Mahito’s mother has died in a hospital fire during the war, and his father is marrying his late wife’s sister, Natsuko. Mahito struggles to find his place in the peaceful countryside until a mysterious heron leads him to explore a mysterious tower.

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Review: Artificial Condition – Martha Wells

Part 2 in the Murderbot Diaries – Following immediately after the end of All Systems Red, Artificial Condition follows our GenZ Murderbot as they stowaway on an interstellar transport to a far-flung mining station in an attempt to figure out more about the incident in which they went rogue, which caused them to hack their governor module and become a free agent in the first place.

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Review: Burrow’s End – Dimension 20

Burrow’s End follows a small family of stoats who are driven out of their burrow by a mysterious storm. As they fight to find a new home, they soon realise that the real world is threatening in ways they could never have imagined. The season is DM’ed by Aabria Iyengar, and stars Brennan Lee Mulligan as single mom Tula, with her children Jaysohn, a hyperactive karate kid (played by Siobhan Thompson), and Lila, a clever know-it-all (played by Isabella Roland). Tula’s sister Viola (played by Rashawn Scott) is the enigmatic wife of cult leader Thorn (played by Jasper William Cartwright). Tula and Viola’s mother is a grizzled old stoat named Ava (played by Erika Ishii).

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Yearly Wrap-up: 2023 in Review

Our curators look back at their 2023 resolutions, and their favourite fantasy and science fiction media of the past year. Which media on their to be read/watch/listen/play piles got their attention? And what else did the year bring?

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Review: Disenchanted – Disney

In ‘Enchanted’, former storybook princess Giselle leaves her fairy tale life behind to find a happily ever after in the real world with a single dad and his pre-teen daughter. In this movie, Giselle has a baby of her own and a now gloomy teenage stepdaughter. To try and escape an existence in a rut, Giselle makes her family move to a small suburban village. Furthermore, she uses a magic wand to wish a fairy tale life for her family. Alas, as often tends to happen with wishes, things don’t work out as she intends…

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