Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

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Limited Capacity is a Black Mirror-esque anthology series of six short stories about the strange and twisted ways we interact with the internet, and with each other. The episodes span different genres and blur the line between reality and fiction.

I am a big fan of stories that create a thought experiment on the ways current technology impacts our world or could impact our world when set on steroids. Each episode of Limited Capacity does exactly that. It keeps the technology close to home and uses different genres to keep the stories fresh. The quality is very consistently good, although in an anthology series you always have favourites. A short roundup:

  • We all hate Greg, right? A funny story about a Zoom call with magical powers and with a nice twist in the end. Great when you’re fed up with your collagues at the office – to remind you you don’t have to be nostalgic about the pandemic online period either…
  • The Blue Checkmark. A mock interview with someone who takes over the social media account of an influencer on holiday. How real do you have to be?
  • Kill the Chicken. A mockumentary about a youtube series for kids that becomes a political meme. Through the workings of social media two opposing sides only radicalise, without ever really talking with one another.
  • Better Fitter Roger-er. Roger uses a self-help app, because he needs to be more assertive in setting his boundaries. But there might be a thing like ‘too-self-helped’.
  • He Who Boils Rivers With a Look. An app for social interaction in real neighbourhoods is used for an imaginary neighbourhood and family roleplay for people wanting to escape their ‘real’ families. It starts as an idyllic town, but soon the problems begin…
  • Slow Burn. Lizzie succeeds in getting an invitation to an elite dating app and finds someone there. But sometimes he acts a bit strange. What is his ulterior motive?

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