Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

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Yearly Wrap-up: 2022 in Review

At the start of 2022, our curators chose some resolutions for themselves? Which media on their to be read/watch/listen/play piles did get their attention? And what else did the year bring?

Review: Fool’s Assassin – Robin Hobb

Fitz is slowly adapting to his new life at Withywoods.However, he still struggles to let go of old friends and the echoes of his past. When his wife Molly comes with a surprise announcement and a mysterious messenger appears, it becomes clear his former life still haunts him in more ways than he knows…

the hobbit cover

Review: The Hobbit – J.R.R. Tolkien

The hobbit Bilbo Baggins is very content with his comfortable life, when the Wizard Gandalf and a company of thirteen dwarves invite him on a quest to travel the continent and rob a dragon of his treasures.

Review: The Rings of Power – Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime’s long-expected take on Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings based on the Appendices to the Return of the King chronicles the lives of several younger versions of characters we know from the Lord of the Rings and their attempts to prevent Sauron’s rise to power.

The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski

Review: The Last Wish – Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, trained to fight monsters of all shapes and sizes. As Geralt travels the continent in search of bounties to earn his coin with, he is confronted with a difficult truth: some monsters are fairer than others, and some monsters are not even monsters at all.

Review: The Dragon and the Djinn – Choice of Games

Review of the interactive novel The Dragon and the Djinn.

You’re chasing your sister, who stole a magic sword you made because she claims to be a prophesied dragon-slayer. As you get mixed up in dangerous politics and the even more dangerous business of djinns, you soon discover that your sister’s destiny will also lead you to your own.