Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

More Posts By Robin

Review: Wilder Girls – Rory Power

When a mysterious illness started spreading among the pupils and teachers of Raxter Boarding School for girls, the whole of the island was put under strict quarantine. When Hetty’s best friend goes missing, she is determined to find out what happened.

Review: KliFi – Adriaan van Dis

In a future Netherlands, the government is controlled by climate denying populists, and Jákob Hemmelbahn witnesses the result of the government’s negligence when a storm washes away the houses of the less fortunate.

Review: VAST Horizon – Fool & Scholar Productions

The Bifrost was meant to transport its passengers to a yet-to-be colonised solar system, but when Dr. Nolira Eck wakes up from stasis, the ship’s systems are malfunctioning and the rest of the crew has disappeared. Assisted by the ship’s AI, Nolira fights to survive and to find out what fate has befallen her crewmembers.

Review: Cloud Atlas – David Mitchell

Cloud Atlas is a collection of six intertwined short stories spanning across different times, settings, genres and styles, sharing themes and references, forming a single tale told through six beginnings and six ends.

Review: Record of a Spaceborn Few – Becky Chambers

Part 3 of the Wayfarer Series – When the Earth became uninhabitable, what was left of humanity sought refuge on the ships of the Exodus Fleet. Born and raised in space, their descendants are having to face difficult choices in their turn.

Review: The Raven Boys – Maggie Stiefvater

Part 1 of the Raven Cycle – Every year on St. Mark’s Eve, Blue Sargant accompanies her clairvoyant mother to a graveyard outside their town to watch a yearly procession of spirits. Since Blue is not clairvoyant herself, she normally cannot see these spirits. But this year is different.

Review: The Slow Regard of Silent Things – Patrick Rothfuss

Spin-off from the Kingkiller Chronicles – Underneath the buildings of The University lies a vast maze of forgotten spaces that no one ever enters. No one, except a girl named Auri who has sought her refuge there and has made it her home. This story is about her.

City of Brass

Review: The City of Brass – S.A. Chakraborty

Part 1 of the Daevabad Trilogy

Nahri, a shrewd young woman from Cairo, is unexpectedly plucked from her human life and ends up in an unknown world of magic and supernatural jinn. Meanwhile, Ali, a young jinn prince, finds himself in the midst of the political tensions of the royal capital.

Review: Temeraire – Naomi Novik

Part 1 in the Temeraire Series – British navy captain William Lawrence captures a dragon egg from the French, and he and his dragons are pressed into service in the British aerial core to train for the war against Napoleon and the inevitable invasion of the British Isles…