Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

Welcome to the Escape Velocity Collection!

We are an opinionated group of friends reviewing all sorts of fantasy and science fiction media. Don’t forget to get to know the curators and visit our curated Collection, where we discuss the stories that never cease to transport us to another world.

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Reviewed by:

Amazon Prime’s long-expected take on Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings based on the Appendices to the Return of the King chronicles the lives of several younger versions of characters we know from the Lord of the Rings and their attempts to prevent Sauron’s rise to power: Galadriel and her hunt for the enemy, Elrond and his diplomatic struggles torn between loyalty and friendship, Elendil and his role at court in a kingdom where every string is tensed to the breaking point. 

So, we’ve finally come to it – our review of The Rings of Power. I’ll admit I’ve flip-flopped a bit: initially, based on the trailers, I was afraid it was going to be a trainwreck. So when I actually watched the first episode and it was halfway decent, that was a big relief. But as the season progressed, there were more and more things that rubbed me the wrong way. There are elements to it that save it from a bottom-tier rating, but overall, the poor writing choices land it in decidedly ‘meh’ territory. I feel the half star on top of the two is generous (perhaps earned only through being a Tolkien IP). Let’s dig in!

To start with the positives, I think that the show’s visuals are mostly fantastic. The CGI establishing shots of places like Númenor, Khazad-Dûm and Lindon are everything you could want from them. Similarly, all of the landscapes and most of the costumes, weapons, ships, etc. are great, with a couple of misses here and there. I have no qualms with the casting or acting (even if a lot of the excessively flowery dialogue must be an absolute struggle to get through as an actor). I recognise that the story departs from canon in places but I don’t mind that in and of itself – as long as the choices make some sense.

I feel the core of the problem, though, is the writing. My feelings are probably best summarised in two main issues: first, The Rings of Power prioritises scenes, moments, and disparate story elements over the overall narrative; and second, the series keeps stumbling on scale.

The Rings of Power has the need to constantly feel epic. Main characters in a fight? Epic. Supporting characters running away from a handful of orcs? Epic. Ship sailing? Epic. Somebody hands someone a sword? Epic. The result is that by the end of it, nothing feels epic because everything feels epic. And because the series spends so much time on these epic moments, the actual narrative is forced into the background. This is made worse because many of the epic moments are ‘unearned’ – they are not properly set up by narrative that tells us the stakes and makes us care for the characters at risk. Sometimes, the ‘epicness’ is even derived from knowledge the viewer (hopefully) has on the basis of watching the Peter Jackson trilogy or reading the books. As a result, a lot of ‘moments’ and ‘reveals’ that are played up cinematically make no sense within the context of the Rings of Power alone.

Of course, there are also some cool subtle references like similar cinematic shots, a recognisable sword in the background or a throwaway line that sounds familiar. But unfortunately, more often than not the references feel very much forced or overdone, as if The Rings of Power thinks reflecting The Lord of the Rings is more important than telling a story of its own. Perhaps the inclusion of the Harfoot (proto-Hobbit) plotline is a good example: the line isn’t bad, but why do we need to have Hobbits at all in this story on (supposedly?) the fall of Numenor? The plotline doesn’t contribute anything to the main story except slowing it down. It feels like they were shoehorned in because people expect Hobbits in a Tolkien IP. The same goes for the story of the Stranger intertwined with the Harfoots’ and to some extent, even the presence of the Dwarves. It feels like the writers wanted to include everything in this one season to reel in fans of all races. The result is that while there are a lot of cool scenes and recognisable moments, the story as a whole feels like loose sand.

This is part of the ‘scale’ problem I mentioned: it just feels like the writers bit off more than they could chew, or at least, more than they could fit in a single season. There are just too many plotlines going on. Consequently, few of them move forward very far – and still it feels like some moved too fast or without proper groundwork. This is especially apparent in the final episode, where a lot has to happen all at once. In the end, the first season feels like a lot of set up for things to come (and the writers are already moving the goalposts in that direction). But since the next season’s apparently a couple of years away, the anticipation will probably have ebbed away – and I’m hardly interested in rewatching what we already got.

At the same time that the writers tried include way too much in the scope of this one season, the scale of some of what they did show seemed way off – especially the Southlands. It felt like the entire region was reduced to a single village of ramshackle huts. And how did those riders happen to arrive in that one particular village right on time – is Middle-Earth really that small? And how on earth are 100 horses and 100 men supposed to fit on that ship? And while the establishing shot of Khazad-Dum was great, why do we spend all of the rest of our time in small tunnels? Are those six trees really the orchard the Harfoots were travelling to for the entire season? The list goes on.

In conclusion, I think I ought to come back to my first impression: The Rings of Power has hits and misses, but for me in the end, the misses outweigh the hits. I won’t say that your time watching this will be wasted, but there are a lot of other things I would recommend first. I’m thoroughly… whelmed.

I have to admit I wasn’t as excited about this show as some of my fellow curators. I love the Lord of the Rings, but experience has taught me that it’s usually bad news when a beloved intellectual property gets added on to. I was still optimistic, though.

I have to admit I quite enjoyed the show at first. It wasn’t terribly exciting, but we watched it together every week, so I had the encyclopedic Tolkien knowledge of both Jop and Peter on my side. On my own, I would have understood very few of the references made to the original trilogy. The establishing shots were very pretty, the elves were silky, and the dwarves were fun.

It wasn’t until I missed two of our watch parties and had to catch up on my own that the cracks were really beginning to show. I found myself struggling to focus and frankly unable to care about the show in the way that I cared when we watched together. I realised what I had actually enjoyed about the show had been making sassy comments and talking through “important” dialogue.

Look, the show does have a couple of things going for it. The scenery looks great, the actors do their best with what they’re given, and the relationship between Elrond and Durin was just extremely charming.

However, the pacing was off and the writing was clunky and uninspiring (though trying desperately to be deep). The story felt forced and the twist at the end left me cold. It’s definitely the kind of show I’d recommend only to those who’ve heard about it and don’t want to miss out on the hype. If you haven’t seen it yet, that is.

It seems we curators have finally found something to be of one mind on: the fact that The Rings of Power is neither bad nor mind-blowingly good.

As the others also mention, we watched the first season mostly together, and that greatly improved the experience. However, even without the company of my dear friends, there were elements of the series I enjoyed. I loved the visuals, the great shots of nature landscapes and Middle-Earth’s grand cultures. I liked the initial characterization of the main characters and some of the worldbuilding that the writers seemed to set up to fill in the blanks of Tolkien’s extensive mythology. I also respected the (underdeveloped) attempt at a much needed critique on the nature of evil, something that is missing in most of Tolkien’s works and adaptions thereof. And, last but not least, I absolutely loved the dynamic between Elrond (despite his haircut) and Durin. Every scene between these two was a pleasure to behold.

My 2,5 stars for this series are, broadly speaking, a result of the quality of the writing. Ironically, there were few moments where I thought the writing was actually bad. There were many moments, however, where I felt the writing was uninspired. Safe but without any zest.

I believe the overarching tension arc the writers were aiming for – the question of who is Sauron and where is he? – would’ve worked better if they had put their focus on the Eregion politics first. The inclusion of Númenor, though I loved the visuals and Elendil’s character, had little added value, in my opninion. Additionally, the storylines that were more focused on the goings-on of the characters – such as the Harfoots and the Southlands – could have used a little more thought, so that the eventual stakes felt more… emotional. Most characters hadn’t really earned my affection as much as the story intended.

On the whole, my aftertaste of The Rings of Power has a little tang of disappointment. Did the series work a fantasy series? I believe so. Did it have the soul of Tolkien’s Middle Earth? Not quite…

The copious amounts of Lord of the Rings references in this show made me feel very nostalgic, and because of that I quite enjoyed it at first. However, as the show progressed it became clear that the story itself just was not that good. The small moments of recognition when a familiar name or phrase was used were fun, but for me those moments in themselves were not enough to make up for all the areas where the show fell short. I just did not feel all that invested in any of the storylines or the characters, and there were so many conversations that were clearly meant to sound very profound, but actually just consisted of two people exchanging meaningless platitudes.

All this is not to say that I did not enjoy anything about it: I really liked the relationship between Elrond and Durin (despite the nonsensical plotline), and the visuals for Lindon, Khazad-Dûm and Númenor where fantastic. Every week, all of us curators got together to watch the new episode, and I had a great time watching it together with them and making fun of the more ridiculous moments. I will happily watch the next season as well, but even so I do wish that the show’s creators had been able to sell me on the story on its own merit.

In this Dungeons and Dragons video series, a group of advisors to the Lord of Shadows must take charge after watching their Dark Lord die a sudden death. The Forces of Light are quickly advancing, and our vile villains learn to work together to coordinate their defence. The show features Brennan Lee Mulligan as the Game Master, and a cast of talented players who play the villains in this satirical tabletop spin on J R R Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

While Escape from the Bloodkeep takes a little longer to truly grab your attention than, say, Fantasy High, when it does it is absolutely delightful. This series does a great job playing off of its inspiration, The Lord of the Rings, but it doesn’t require you to be familiar with the work of Tolkien to enjoy the show.

To be honest, I’m just obsessed with anything Brennan Lee Mulligan does. Brennan is an outstanding Dungeon Master, and the show features some phenomenal NPC’s. Standouts are John Feathers and Avenash, but perhaps my favourite NPC is Stalker/Percival, who is their version of Tolkien’s Striker/Aragorn. I swear to God I almost cried every time Brennan did his character voice – I WEPT. There’s not many videos that make me cry with laughter, but video’s that do tend to be clips of Brennan’s campaigns.

As it’s a D&D “livestream” (though not live, and it is edited quite a bit for ease of watching), every other episode features a battle. I’m personally not a huge fan of battles in D&D, but some funny stuff does happen in the battle scenes in Escape from the Bloodkeep. I would recommend having this show in the background while you’re doing another task, like cleaning or doing something creative. I myself watch these kinds of shows while drawing. My attention does sometimes drift, but whenever the cast laughs I just rewind whatever I’ve missed and I’m all good.

Now there are plenty of pieces of media that take inspiration from the works of Tolkien, so what makes this series so special? For me, it’s the way the setting is changed. The story is very clearly inspired by Tolkien, and some characters have basically been copied and pasted into the narrative, but Brennan’s campaigns often include very “normal” elements that are very funny and out of place in a fantasy setting. Additionally, the show doesn’t need the references to be funny. Each moment that is funny “because of a reference to Tolkien”, is actually already funny on its own. The references are just a fun extra.

I would absolutely recommend Escape from the Bloodkeep to anyone who loves the works of Tolkien and tabletop RPG’s. It’s a great take on the villains being the main characters in a story, and while I don’t usually enjoy those types of stories, it really works well in this campaign. As with any Dimension 20 show, it’s very funny so I definitely recommend that you give this a watch!

She Who Became the Sun is an alternate history/historical fantasy novel set in Mongol-conquered China, in the waning days of the Yuan dynasty. It follows the exploits characters in different positions and on different sides of the struggle for power going on between the ethnically Mongol ruling elite and an ethnically Han uprising: a peasant girl trying to take up her brother’s fated path to greatness and an enslaved general struggling to reconcile the love for his master with his history of oppression.

Listened to the audiobook with Natalie Naudus – an amazing narrator, who probably made the experience better than reading would have been because of her accurate pronunciation of Chinese names. Would definitely recommend listening!

I googled She Who Became the Sun because of its Hugo nomination, and the moment I read the blurb, I realised it had the potential to be amazing fo me. And boy, it delivered!

The book’s setting alone was enough to pique my interests, because fantasy novels set outside a semi-historical Europe seem to be a relatively recent development, and alternate history/historical fantasy is something I’ve wanted to read more of lately. And She Who Became the Sun is a masterclass on how to do both! I believe this book represents what 21st century historical fantasy ought to look like: whilst set in a non-generic medieval setting very much connected to the real world, it delves into themes such as discrimination, belonging, sexuality and gender in (what I believe to be) a historically plausible manner. I’m not one to accuse authors of ‘woke-ism’, but I do sometimes feel like the societal themes of today are lathered thickly on top of an ostensibly historical story in a way that makes little sense in-universe or even breaks suspension of disbelief. Parker-Chan shows us how it is possible to write a story in which these themes are apparently effortlessly woven into the fabric of the past. In an unforced manner, she makes us realise that some of GenZ’s struggles go back to medieval China. I cannot praise her for this achievement enough!

A lot happens in this book. But while there are a lot of new elements to wrap your head around, at the same time it follows a comfortable, familiar, and satisfying trajectory: our main character Zhu, for example, fights her way from destitute girl to powerful woman through intelligence and sheer force of will. I liked Zhu and Ouyang as main characters: Zhu’s drive keeps the plot moving forward, while Ouyangs reflection (and his opposite point of view) provide the perfect counterpoints. Switching back and forth between them was always a pleasure and kept to pace from being overwhelming.

Despite everything that happens, She Who Became the Sun is clearly the first part in a series: neither Zhu’s nor Ouyang’s story are finished by the end. But the book’s arc is concluded and while I am going to pick up part two the moment it is released, the ending is satisfying enough that I don’t think it is necessary to wait for the full story to be released first.

Long story short: She Who Became the Sun might be the best book I’ve read all year (though I’ve just started Leviathan Wakes, which might just compete for that title…). To be honest, I am convinced She Who Became the Sun should have taken the Hugo ahead of A Desolation Called Peace – which I also loved. The combination of novelty, comfort, themes, and historical groundedness was absolutely superb. Luckily, Parker-Chan bagged the well-deserved Hugo for best new writer, so at least she left a winner. She Who Became the Sun is borderline Collection material – and I’m not convinced I’m not going to submit the entire series at some point anyway. The only reason I didn’t rate this book five stars is that the I felt that perhaps sometimes, Zhu’s successes came to her just a bit too easily – but that is a minor nit pick in what is overall an amazing book.

Reviewed by:

Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, trained to fight monsters of all shapes and sizes.

As Geralt travels the continent in search of bounties to earn his coin with, he is confronted with a difficult truth: some monsters are fairer than others, and some monsters are not even monsters at all.

After enjoying almost every other piece of media in The Witcher universe, fate finally enabled me to check out the source material, a collection of short stories about Geralt of Rivia and his adventures as a witcher.

To directly cut to the chase, I thought Sapkowski’s prose was pleasant to read. With a lot of “show” and little “tell” and altogether short scenes, it’s easy to race through the different stories in this collection. The episodic format perfectly suits the setting, which is primarily defined by grim representation of well-known fairy tales and Polish folklore, grey moralities and dry humour. The way Sapkowski builds his narrative is something I haven’t encountered earlier, simple but effective, with multiple occasions in which the reader is invited to fill up the blanks themselves. It is a storytelling technique I’d like to try myself one time.

I enjoyed The Last Wish, but I can’t help but wonder if it still holds up if you’re not already taken in by the universe and its characters. Though the stories occasionally offer some good food for thought with their themes, there is little else. There are some elements of mystery, but the other building blocks of the stories can often be reduced to violence and an ambiguous role for the female characters, who might often come across as strong, but are certainly also catered to the male gaze. In that regard, some might see The Last Wish as just another sword and sorcery fantasy novel.

Reviewed by:

Medusa, a mortal girl, is brought up by her two immortal sisters. They live a quiet life removed from others, until Medusa catches the eye of Poseidon. Powerless to stop the events that this sets in motion, the consequences for Medusa will be terrible.

As preparation for a recent trip to Athens, I decided to brush up on Greek mythology by reading some modern adaptations of the ancient classics. So many books in this genre have been released over the past couple of years, and I have really enjoyed reading these familiar stories through modern and (often) feminist lenses. The story of Medusa seemed overdue for such a retelling and I think Natalie Haynes did a great job in redeeming Medusa’s character. Here, we do not get an evil monster who deserves nothing better than to get her head chopped off by Perseus. Instead, we get a kind girl beloved by her two sisters, who gets caught in the abusive games of gods who are far more powerful than her.


While Medusa’s story is the main thread that binds the story together, many of the most well-known Greek gods make an apearance and a lot of different smaller myths are told in the process. Pretty much all of the gods are portrayed as petty and mean-spirited, which seems true to the way they behave in all of Greek mythology. This is a great book both for readers already familiar with Greek mythology, and for those who are new to it.

Reviewed by:

NASA Astronaut Mark Watney was only supposed to be on Mars for 31 days. When a Dust storm almost kills him, the rest of the crew leaves – under the impression that their colleague is actually dead. In his logs, Watney keeps track of his days (or “sols” – Mars days) on the Red planet, and his efforts to survive on the supplies and equipment left behind with him. Every so often Mars tries to kill him, but Watney is resourceful and keeps his spirits up with humour.

This movie is lots of fun. I do prefer the book over the film, but only slightly. The biggest difference between the two is that in the book, we experience life on Mars through the logs that Watney records. In the movie, however, we see it through his eyes. Watney is a joker and an optimist, so when you read the book, these are the things that stand out most. However, in the movie we see Watney outside of his recordings, and he is (obviously) not as cool with his situation as he makes it seem in his logs. This makes the movie less lighthearted than the book, but on the whole, it is still quite funny.

What I really enjoy about movies based on books like the Martian, is that they visualise a bunch of things that I read in the book but couldn’t quite picture. There’s significantly less thinking to do when watching this movie, whereas when reading the book I constantly had to readjust my mental image of the Mars rover and the Hab, based on either new information, or information that wasn’t relevant before and I thus forgot to take into account.

The cast of this movie is great. Definitely a good movie to watch if you want to feel Hopeful™ about humanity coming together for a common goal. Something we could all use these days!

In one sentence: The Martian is worth watching, but I feel it loses a lot of what makes the book special.

The book – told almost exclusively through the protagonist Watney’s logs – is relentlessly optimistic, and very detailed on what Watney is doing. The book even brings you the (as I understand it, moderately accurate) minutiae of the chemistry and physics of the problems threatening Watney’s life, and his plans to deal with them.

Regardless of the accuracy of the science, this style of writing gives you insights into the challenges of space missions and the way astronauts need to think. This is a unique approach to a sci-fi novel and it has changed the way I view a genre I have been reading since before I was ten years old.

The movie… is just another Hollywood space movie. It looks good. It gets feelsy. It follows the expected patterns. There is no runtime to go into an appreciable amount of detail on any of the clever solutions Watney comes up with, nor would Hollywood expect their audience to understand or be engaged.

So instead of getting to think along with Watney and his clever solutions as we do in the book, we watch as a smart astronaut solves a number of half-way explained problems, and secures his survival with no more than a few hiccups along the way.

Perhaps partly because I already knew how the story was going to end, I didn’t feel the same tension I did reading the book. And at the same time that the movie presents Watney’s accomplishments as much more of a smooth ride, it also loses some of the upbeat humour of Watney’s logs in the book.

I am very much measuring the movie against the yardstick of the book, and that is probably because aside from its tone and the constraints of a movie runtime, Ridley Scott’s The Martian is actually a very faithful adaptation of the book.

If I could have rated the movie not as an adaptation but as an independent piece of media, without having read the book first, I might have rated it higher for making an honest attempt at showing us a plausible, powerful image of what a Mars-mission in the not too distant future could look like. From that perspective, The Martian actually strays pretty far from the path a Hollywood blockbuster is expected to take.

As a result, I feel that especially for people who have not read the book, The Martian is very much worth watching. It’s just… the book is a lot better!

Review: The Rings of Power – Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime’s long-expected take on Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings based on the Appendices to the Return of the King chronicles the lives of several younger versions of characters we know from the Lord of the Rings and their attempts to prevent Sauron’s rise to power.

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Review: Escape from the Bloodkeep – Dimension 20

In this Dungeons and Dragons video series, a group of advisors to the Lord of Shadows must take charge after watching their Dark Lord die a sudden death. The Forces of Light are quickly advancing, and our vile villains learn to work together to coordinate their defence.

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Review: She Who Became the Sun – Shelley Parker-Chan

She Who Became the Sun is an alternate history/historical fantasy novel set in Mongol-conquered China, following the exploits of characters on different sides of the struggle for power: peasant girl trying to take up her brother’s fate and an enslaved general struggling to reconcile the love for his master with his history of oppression.

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The Last Wish - Andrzej Sapkowski

Review: The Last Wish – Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, trained to fight monsters of all shapes and sizes. As Geralt travels the continent in search of bounties to earn his coin with, he is confronted with a difficult truth: some monsters are fairer than others, and some monsters are not even monsters at all.

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Review: Stone Blind – Natalie Haynes

Medusa, a mortal girl, is brought up by her two immortal sisters. They live a quiet life removed from others, until Medusa catches the eye of Poseidon. Powerless to stop the events that this sets in motion, the consequences for Medusa will be terrible.

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Review: The Martian – Ridley Scott

NASA Astronaut Mark Watney was only supposed to be on Mars for 31 days. When a Dust storm almost kills him, the rest of the crew leaves – under the impression that their colleague is actually dead. In his logs, Watney keeps track of his days (or “sols” – Mars days) on the Red planet, and his efforts to survive on the supplies and equipment left behind with him. Every so often Mars tries to kill him, but Watney is resourceful and keeps his spirits up with humour.

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