Escape Velocity

A curated Collection of Fantasy and Science Fiction Media

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We are an opinionated group of friends reviewing all sorts of fantasy and science fiction media.

Review: Narcissa – QCODE

Sid and her family have spent years trying to protect her true identity as a ‘reader’, but this becomes harder and harder when for the first time in years, a string of murders takes place.

Review: Oats Studios – Neill Blomkamp

This assembly of short (and some really short) films by Neill Blomkamp is not a series so much as an assemblage set of cinematographic thought experiments that gives some insights into what moves Blomkamp as an artist.

Review: Newts! – PRX & The Truth

In an alternate early 20th century, a lone sea captain discovers highly intelligent newts. When he tries to find them a place to survive, the ‘economic possibilities’ of the species are quickly seen by a wealthy investor.

Review: Limited Capacity – CBC

Limited Capacity is a Black Mirror-esque anthology series of six short stories about the strange and twisted ways we interact with the internet, and with each other.

Review: Echo – Thomas Olde Heuvelt

When a young mountaineer is mutilated by a terrible accident in the Swiss Alps, his boyfriend finds him changed upon his return to the Netherlands, and something appears hidden behind the mask of bandages that covers his face…